CogniCare Developer Guide

About CogniCare

As the job climate is worsening, more and more students are not being able to find a job, and increasingly affiliated with mental health issues. This results in an increased workload from a larger number of patients to manage and appointments to schedule. CogniCare is a patient management system, designed to take care of SoC students who suffer from various mental health issues and concerns due to being unable to find internships or jobs.

CogniCare takes care of the load of many tedious tasks such as identifying today's appointments and measuring a patient's satisfaction progress levels over a period of time, until they are finally ready for discharge.

Setting up, getting started

Refer to the guide Setting up and getting started.


Design Considerations

Aspect: Patient ID

  • In any system that manages individual records, it is critical to ensure that we are able to distinguish between entities (which are patients) in our case.

  • Alternative 1: Using Integer ID as the primary key (Current Approach)

    • We needed some method to ensure that the patient was unique. The primary solution implemented involves a running integer identifier—which is saved together with each patient. The identifier serves as the primary key for the patient object, similar to how a unique ID in a database ensures each record's uniqueness.

    • This was different from how the AB3 application was originally designed—where the ID followed the natural ordering of the elements in the list.

    • Pros

      • Extremely user-friendly for counsellors as ID is never changed.
        • A member card displaying the patient ID could potentially be issued to patients.
    • Cons

      • Difficult to implement.
      • There will be "holes" in the sequential ID when records are deleted.
  • Alternative 2: Using Name as the primary key

    • This approach was quickly deemed unsuitable due to the high probability of name duplication. While names are an important identifier, there is a great risk of collision (i.e. "Jack Tan" versus "Jack Tan Ah Kou"). While this method is sufficient for a non-mission critical address book, our CogniCare application aims to reduce error occurrence.
    • Pros
      • Extremely intuitive for a counselor to type in the patient's name
    • Cons
      • Commands will be extremely long; and challenging to type.
      • The counselor will need to remember exactly how the full name is spelt.
      • May select the wrong patient (i.e., "Jack Tan" versus "Jack Tan Ah Kou").
  • Alternative 3: Using Natural Ordering of the names in CogniCare application (AB3 approach)

    • As we initially strove for a design where the patient identifier to be used like a Foreign Key in the Appointments object, the inconsistent ID would mean that the data integrity for Appointments class would be compromised.
    • Pros
      • Easy to implement (AB3 has already implemented it.)
    • Cons
      • Data Integrity of Appointments will be compromised
      • Every time a patient is deleted, the subsequent IDs will be coalesced.

Aspect: Search query with AND constraint

In enhancing the search functionality within CogniCare, the implementation of an AND constraint for search queries was paramount. This feature allows counsellors to refine search criteria, leading to more precise and relevant search results. For example, a counsellor can search for a patient using a combination of parameters (partial name AND partial phone number AND partial email address). It is to note that only one parameter is required; the others are optional.

This enhancement was driven by the need for:

  1. Improved Search Accuracy: By allowing multiple criteria to be specified, counsellors can narrow down search results to the most relevant patients (as the SoC cohort is large).
  2. Efficiency: Enables quicker access to patient records by reducing the time spent sifting through irrelevant patient information.
  • Alternative 1: Single Criterion Search (AB3 Approach): The original AB3 approach of allowing search based on a single criterion was found to be too limiting for the different needs of patient management in CogniCare.

  • Alternative 2: Search Query with OR Constraint: While also considered, this approach was determined to potentially yield too broad of a search result, undermining the efficiency desired in retrieving patient record.

Aspect: Appointment ID

  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Generate auto-increasing fixed appointment ID when creating a new appointment. Fail commands that attempt to set the appointment ID still increase the appointment ID.

    • Pros:
      • Easier to implement.
      • This is the implementation that takes inspiration from DBMS auto-increment.
      • Consistency in appointment ID.
      • Easier to store as a separate file for appointment storage.
    • Cons: Confusion for users who expect appointment ID to increase one by one.
    • Mitigation: Ensure that the appointment ID is unique.
  • Alternative 2 (AB3 choice): No fixed appointment ID. AppointmentID is relative to the Appointment view.

    • Pros: More flexible for users.
    • Cons: More complex to implement. It may lead to inconsistencies between appointments.

Aspect: Where to store appointments locally

  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Store appointments in a separate file.

    • Pros: Easier to manage appointments separately from patients.
    • Cons:
      • More complex to manage two separate files.
      • Time complexity to carry out commands with appointments as it has to read the whole list of appointments.
    • Risks:
      • May lead to inconsistencies between the two files with regard to ids.
    • Mitigation: Ensure that both files are updated together.
  • Alternative 2: Store appointments as a field in the Patient class. Hence, all appointment data will be stored in the same file as the patientList.

    • Pros: Easier to manage a single file.
    • Cons:
      • May lead to a more complex data structure.
      • Delete a patient will cascade delete all appointments.
    • Risks: May lead to performance issues when reading/writing data.
    • Mitigation: Optimize the data structure for reading/writing data.

Aspect: How to store appointments

  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Store appointments as a AppointmentList in Model.

    • Pros:
      • Easier to design since it is similar to patientList implementation.
      • If we want to add more Models, this will be the default implementation
    • Cons:
      • Adding an extra layer of OOP abstraction.
      • May lead to performance issues when reading/writing data (more prone to crashing issues).
  • Alternative 2: Store appointments as a list of Appointment objects in patientList.

    • Pros: Easier to manage appointments as a list.
    • Cons:
      • Reduce in OOP-ness of the code
      • Hard to scale up, as we need to change the whole code base.


The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the App.

Given below is a quick overview of the main components and how they interact with each other.

Main components of the architecture

Main (consisting of classes Main and MainApp) is in charge of the app launch and shut down.

  • At app launch, it initializes the other components in the correct sequence and connects them up with each other.
  • At shutdown, it shuts down the other components and invokes cleanup methods where necessary.

The bulk of the app's work is done by the following four components:

  • UI: The UI of the App.
  • Logic: The command executor.
  • Model: Holds the data of the App in memory.
  • Storage: Reads data from, and writes data to, the hard disk.

Commons represents a collection of classes used by multiple other components.

How the architecture components interact with each other

The Sequence Diagram below shows how the components interact with each other for the scenario where the user issues the command deletep 1.

Each of the four main components (also shown in the diagram above),

  • defines its API in an interface with the same name as the Component.
  • implements its functionality using a concrete {Component Name}Manager class (which follows the corresponding API interface mentioned in the previous point.

For example, the Logic component defines its API in the interface and implements its functionality using the class which follows the Logic interface. Other components interact with a given component through its interface rather than the concrete class (reason: to prevent an outside component from being coupled to the implementation of a component), as illustrated in the (partial) class diagram below.

The sections below give more details of each component.

UI component

The API of this component is specified in

Structure of the UI Component

The UI consists of a MainWindow that is made up of parts e.g.CommandBox, ResultDisplay, ListPanel, StatusBarFooter etc. All these, including the MainWindow, inherit from the abstract UiPart class which captures the commonalities between classes that represent parts of the visible GUI.

The UI component uses the JavaFX UI framework. The layout of these UI parts is defined in matching .fxml files that are in the src/main/resources/view folder. For example, the layout of the MainWindow is specified in MainWindow.fxml

The UI component,

  • executes user commands using the Logic component.
  • listens for changes to Model data so that the UI can be updated with the modified data.
  • keeps a reference to the Logic component, because the UI relies on the Logic to execute commands.
  • depends on some classes in the Model component, as it displays Patient object residing in the Model.

Logic component


Here's a (partial) class diagram of the Logic component:

The sequence diagram below illustrates the interactions within the Logic component, taking execute("deletep 1") API call as an example.

Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the `deletep 1` Command

Note: The lifeline for DeleteCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline continues till the end of diagram.

How the Logic component works:

  1. When Logic is called upon to execute a command, the command is passed to a CommandParser object which in turn creates a parser that matches the command (e.g., DeletePatientCommandParser) and uses it to parse the command.
  2. This results in a Command object (more precisely, an object of one of its subclasses e.g., DeletePatientCommand) which is executed by the LogicManager.
  3. The command can communicate with the Model when it is executed (e.g., to delete a patient).
  4. The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult object which is returned back from Logic.

Here are the other classes in Logic (omitted from the class diagram above) that are used for parsing a user command:

How the parsing works:

  • When called upon to parse a user command, the CommandParser class creates an XYZCommandParser (XYZ is a placeholder for the specific command name e.g., AddPatientCommandParser) which uses the other classes shown above to parse the user command and create a XYZCommand object (e.g., AddPatientCommand) which the CommandParser returns back as a Command object.
  • All XYZCommandParser classes (e.g., AddCommandParser, DeleteCommandParser, ...) inherit from the Parser interface so that they can be treated similarly where possible e.g., during testing.

Model component


The Model component,

  • stores the address book data i.e., all Patient objects (which are contained in a UniquePersonList object).
  • stores the currently 'selected' Patient objects (e.g., results of a search query) as a separate filtered list which is exposed to outsiders as an unmodifiable ObservableList<Patient> that can be 'observed' e.g. the UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the data in the list change.
  • stores a UserPref object that represents the user’s preferences. This is exposed to the outside as a ReadOnlyUserPref objects.
  • does not depend on any of the other three components (as the Model represents data entities of the domain, they should make sense on their own without depending on other components)

Storage component


The Storage component,

  • can save both address book data and user preference data in JSON format, and read them back into corresponding objects.
  • inherits from both AppointmentListStorage and UserPrefStorage, which means it can be treated as either one (if only the functionality of only one is needed).
  • depends on some classes in the Model component (because the Storage component's job is to save/retrieve objects that belong to the Model)

Common classes

Classes used by multiple components are in the seedu.addressbook.commons package.


This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented.

Appointment Classes

Appointment is a new feature added to the app. It is a new entity that is related to a Patient. An Appointment object has the following attributes:

  • Appointment ID
  • Appointment Start and End Date Time
  • Patient ID
  • Attended Status
  • Feedback Score
  • Appointment Description

Appointment ID is a unique identifier for each appointment. It is generated by the system when a new appointment is created.

The Appointment Date Time is the date and time of the appointment.

The Patient ID is the unique identifier of the patient that the appointment is related to.

The Attended Status is a boolean value that indicates whether the patient has attended the appointment.

The Feedback Score is an integer value from 1 to 5 (inclusive) that indicates patient satisfaction.

The Appointment Description is a String that describes the appointment.

Appointment Storage

Appointments are stored in the Model component as AppointmentList which contains UniqueAppointmentList object that is parallel similar to PatientList storing UniquePatientList. The Model component provides methods to add, delete, and retrieve appointments from AppointmentList

Appointment List is saved under a separate file appointmentList.json in the data folder, apart from the patientList.json file that stores the patientList data.

Adding a New Patient

The add patient feature is modified from the original AB3 which allows users to register new students as users and insert them into the application.

The add patient sequence diagram is displayed below:

Add Patient Sequence Diagram

Implementation: An observable list is used to store the list of appointments. AddPatientCommandParser obtains the values that correspond to the prefixes such as p/, n/, e/, and a/ which represent phone, name, email address, and alias accordingly.

This class ensures that

  • The data stored must contain the name, phone, and email address corresponding to their respective format.
  • Values that are corresponding to each tag are valid.
  • There can be multiple aliases (a/), but p/, n/, e/ may only appear once.
  • A unique Id is created for each patient. This ID is strictly increasing and remains tagged to the patient (and does not change its order even if other records prior get deleted).
  • Names are also used as a primary key (meaning no 2 users of the same name may be added to the CogniCare application) regardless of case sensitivity and whitespace, i.e. "JEROME CHUA" and "jErOmE CHuA" are treated the same.

If the constraints are violated, AddPatientCommandParser will throw a ParseException and log the invalid parameter passed into the function.

Otherwise, if the process is successful, a new Patient object will be created to add the patient to the CongiCare application.

There are a few notable classes and methods that are used to interact with the add patient command:

  1. AddPatientCommand:
    1. Defines the add patient command keywords and other error messages.
  2. AddPatientCommand#execute()
    1. Validates the results for AddPatientCommandParser#parse()
    2. If the results are valid, then the specified patient will be added to the CogniCare application.
    3. Throws a CommandException if the specified patient is invalid. The new patient is only considered valid if it satisfies storing the required information in the required format.

Alternatives Considered

  • Using the natural order of the list as the index of the Person. This is sub-optimal as holes in the records may lead to unexpected behaviour when handling the appointments. For example, consider a list with 3 patients. If the second patient is deleted, then the 3rd patient becomes the 2nd patient. This will be confusing for the user. Therefore, we sought to seek a solution to ensure that the studentId always remains unique.
  • Completely re-writing AB3's addressbook. This is not practical as our functionalities and use-case is similar to the use case of the AB3 application.

Querying for Patients

The query patient command allows users to search for patients based on the given criteria. It makes use of the ListPatientCommandParser which obtains the values that correspond to the criteria such as p/, n/, e/, and a/ which represent phone, name, email address, and alias(es) accordingly, and combined with an AND logic.

The diagram below shows the sequence diagram for querying patients:

Query Patient Sequence Diagram

The command for this operation is queryp with at least one or zero parameters. If no parameters (or at least one invalid parameter is passed into the command), the queryp command returns all the information of the patients (that is applied without any filters/predicates).

The ListPatientCommandParser first checks for the presence of empty arguments / no prefix being specified. If this criterion is true, then all the patients are returned as normal. As such, this class does not throw any exceptions but just returns all the data in the CogniCare application even if the command is malformed (but reaches the ListPatientCommandParser).

Otherwise, each of the search terms will be applied to each of the respective fields of the CogniCare application in a case-insensitive format.

Implementation There are a few notable features and methods that enable this feature.

  1. ListPatientCommand - Command that is executed
  2. ListPatientCommandParser - Parses the command and performs the required validation checks

Alternatives Considered

  • User-Forgiveness versus Strict Error Handling: Returning an error message where the command is correct, but illegal parameters are being supplied, then an error message is displayed. We decided against this approach because this will reduce the "user friendliness" of the application as the user would then have the consult the manual / read the error message to resolve the error.
  • Creating a "do-it-all" predicate for the Patient class will be less repetitive code as compared to the current approach (,,, which requires more (repetitive code) as compared to making a class such as which would be easier to code - but harder to test and extend in future. Not to mention, this will also increase the difficulty in writing unit tests.
  • Using AND logic for combining predicates, instead of OR predicate - the reason was that since the values already supported partial word matching (i.e. Searching for coco in the String Coconut will result in the row being returned). As such, using the OR logic will lead to too many rows being returned and therefore confusing to the user.
  • Using case-insensitive search: the use of case-insensitive search terms for parameter matching provides a more seamless and more user-friendly experience.

Editing a current Patient

The edit command allows a user to update a patient's information if they relocate, change phone numbers, change email address, etc.

The diagram below shows the sequence diagram for editing a patient:

Edit Patient Sequence Diagram

EditPatientCommandParser obtains the patient index and the values that correspond to the prefixes such as p/, n/, e/, and a/ which represent phone, name, email address, and alias accordingly.

  • There can be multiple affiliated-with (a/), but p/, n/, e/ may only appear once.
  • The patient index is based on the unique ID that is tagged to each patient, and is not the natural ordering of the list.
  • The edited fields are required to have the same validation as creating a new patient.

If the constraints are violated, EditPatientCommandParser will throw a ParseException due to an invalid patient ID or invalid parameter being parsed.

Otherwise, if the process is successful, the current Patient object corresponding to the respective ID will be updated with the edited information.

There are a few classes and methods used to interact with the edit patient command.

  1. EditPatientCommand
    1. Defines the edit patient command keyword and other error messages.
  2. EditPatientCommand#execute()
    1. Finds the specified patient to edit. Throws a CommandException if the patient is not found, or if an invalid index is specified.
    2. Validates the edited Patient, ensuring that the edited Person's name does not exist in CogniCare. Validation checks are performed on the fields as well.
    3. If there is no error, the specified patient is updated and a success message is displayed.
  3. EditPatientCommandParser#parse()
    1. Parses the edit patient command, ensuring that all parameters provided are valid. A ParseException is thrown if there are no parameters specified.
    2. Create an edited patient.
    3. Returns a new EditPatientCommand.

Alternatives Considered

  • Using the name as the primary key instead of the patient ID - may lead to unexpected deletes as there could be a case where the counselor has two patients of the similar name "Tan Ah Kow" and "Tan Ah". Suppose the counselor wants to delete "Tan Ah", not "Tan Ah Kou" - in this case, the wrong record will be accidentally deleted. Using an integer value as the identifier would eliminate this problem and will also make it much easier for the user to input the commands.
    • Therefore the workflow would be to search for the respective patient for the respective index via the queryp command before editing it.

Deleting an existing patient

The delete patients feature allows users to remove patients from CogniCare (whether it is for privacy reasons etc).

The diagram below shows the sequence diagram for deleting patients: Delete Patient Sequence Diagram

DeletePatientCommandParser obtains the patient index that is to be deleted.

  • The patient index is based on the unique ID that is tagged to each individual patient and is not the natural ordering of the list.

Otherwise, if the process is successful, the current Patient object corresponding to the respective ID will be updated with the deleted patient information containing the phone, email, respective affiliated-with, and linked appointment information.

There are a few classes and methods used to interact with the delete patient command.

  1. DeletePatientCommand
    1. Defines delete patient command keyword and other error messages.
  2. DeletePatientCommand#execute()
    1. Find the specified patient to delete. Throws a CommandException if the patient is not found.
    2. If there is no error, the specified patient is deleted from CogniCare and a success message is displayed.
  3. DeletePatientCommand#parse()
    1. If the constraints are violated, DeletePatientCommandParser will throw a ParseException due to an invalid patient ID passed.
    2. Returns a new DeletePatientCommand

Alternatives Considered

  • A confirmation dialog when deleting the patients. We decided to not go with this approach as this drastically reduces the speed which the user makes use of the application.
  • Deleting the student using the natural order of the list may also result in unintended deletions.

Add Appointment Feature

The add appointment feature allows users to create a new appointment and insert them into the application.

Below is the add appointment activity diagram.

Add Appointment Activity Diagram

Implementation An observable list is used to store the list of appointments.

  • The list is initialised as an empty list of type appointments in the beginning.
  • A unique identifier is created for each appointment. This identifier is strictly increasing and remains tagged to the appointment (and does not change its order even if other records prior get deleted).

There are a few classes and methods used to interact with the add appointment command.

  1. AddAppointmentCommand
    1. Define add appointment command keyword and other error messages.
  2. AddAppointmentCommand#execute()
    1. Validates the results of the AddAppointmentCommandParser#parse()
    2. Adds a valid appointment to CogniCare.
    3. Throws a Command Exception if the appointment returned is invalid. The new appointment is considered valid if there is no appointment with the same patient id, date, and time, and the date and time do not overlap with another appointment in CogniCare.
  3. AddAppointmentCommandParser#parse()
    1. Parses the add appointment commands, ensuring that all required parameters are present.
    2. Returns a new AddAppointmentCommand.

Rationale for implementation There are a few key features that this module aims to implement

  1. Allow users to add new appointments to keep track of all past and upcoming appointments.

Alternatives considered

  1. Using an array list instead of an observable list. However, the GUI was not able to accurately reflect the new appointment list when new appointments were added.
  2. Using the natural order of the list as the index of the Appointment. To standardise the implementation throughout the application, we decided to adopt the patient list implementation. Therefore, each appointment has a unique identifier that does not change even when the natural order of the list is changed.

Query Appointment Feature

The query appointment feature allows users to query appointments by specific fields through the use of patient ID or name or appointment ID. Querying by datetime is done via the filter appointment feature.

Below is the sequence diagram for querying appointments

Query Appointment Sequence Diagram

And below is the activity diagram when a query appointment command is made

Query Appointment Activity Diagram

Implementation There are a few classes and methods that make this feature work

  1. ListAppointmentCommand - Command that is executed
  2. ListAppointmentCommandParser - Parses the command and performs the required validation checks
  3. RelationshipUtil - In order to check that the specified patient ID is valid, we use a Util class which checks if a patient ID exists in a list of all patients

Rationale for implementation

  1. This list command adds a unique validation step that checks for a valid patient ID. The rationale behind this is because of the confusion that would come about by listing out an empty list of appointments are querying with an invalid patient ID. For example, if there was no validation, and you run querya pid/999 and you see no appointments, you might assume that there is no appointment with the patient ID of 999, rather than there is no such patient ID in the first place
    1. Note that patient name is not subject to the same validation because while the existence of a patient ID can be easily verified, the existence of a substring of a name cannot. Furthermore, if you run querya n/Tom and no appointments are listed, this concludes that there is no appointment with the patient named "Tom".
  2. The query command allows for ease and flexibility in querying, while also providing sufficient validation to bolster and not hinder the querying process. This feature helps to streamline the user experience for users who are fast typists and technically competent.

Alternatives considered

  1. Initially, the command was only allowed to query just by patient ID and appointment ID. However, this was found to be too restricting on the user as it is unintuitive for the user to remember IDs over names.

Edit Appointment Feature

The edit appointment feature allows users to update appointment fields in case of any changes to the appointment details.

Below is the sequence diagram for editing an appointment.

Edit Appointment Sequence Diagram

Implementation There are a few classes and methods used to interact with the edit appointment command.

  1. EditAppointmentCommand
    1. Define edit appointment command keyword and other error messages.
  2. EditAppointmentCommand#execute()
    1. Finds the specified appointment to edit. Throws a CommandException if the appointment is not found.
    2. Validates the edited appointment, ensuring that the edited appointment does not exist in CogniCare. Date and time checks are performed as well.
    3. If there is no error, the specified appointment is updated and a success message is displayed.
  3. EditAppointmentCommandParser#parse()
    1. Parses the edit appointment command, ensuring that all parameters provided are valid. A ParseException is thrown if there are no parameters specified.
    2. Creates an edited appointment.
    3. Returns a new EditAppointmentCommand.

Rational for implementation

  1. Users need to be able to update individual appointments in the event that appointment details change.
  2. There are also optional parameters present in the add appointment command that users should be able to update.

Delete Appointment Feature

The delete appointment feature allows users to remove appointments from CogniCare.

Below is the activity diagram for deleting an appointment.

Delete Appointment Activity Diagram

Implementation There are a few classes and methods used to interact with the delete appointment command.

  1. DeleteAppointmentCommand
    1. Defines delete appointment command keyword and other error messages.
  2. DeleteAppointmentCommand#execute()
    1. Find the specified appointment to delete. Throws a CommandException if the appointment is not found.
    2. If there is no error, the specified appointment is deleted from CogniCare and a success message is displayed.
  3. DeleteAppointmentCommandParser#parse()
    1. Parses the delete appointment command, ensuring that the provided appointment index is valid. A ParseException is thrown if there are no parameters specified or the appointment index provided is not positive.
    2. Returns a new DeleteAppointmentCommand

Rational for implementation

  1. Users need to be able to delete individual appointments in the event that appointment an appointment is cancelled.

Alternative considered

  1. Command format deletea aid/APPOINTMENT_INDEX. The appointment index prefix aid/ was deemed not necessary as it is very clear that this delete command only applies to appointments.

Filter Appointment Feature

The filter appointment feature allows users to filter appointments based on the date and time of the appointment.

Filter Appointment Sequence Diagram

Implementation A predicate was used to filter the list of appointments based on the date and time of the appointment. Criteria for filtering appointments:

  • StartDateTime the appointment is before or at (<=) the specific startDateTime of the predicate
  • EndDateTime the appointment is after or at (>=) the specific endDateTime of the predicate There are a few methods used to interact with the filter appointment command.
  1. FilterAppointmentCommand
    1. Define filter appointment command keyword and other error messages.
    2. Validates the results of the FilterAppointmentCommandParser#parse()
  2. FilterAppointmentCommandParser#parse()
    1. Parses the filter appointment commands, ensuring that all required parameters are present.
    2. Check if the start date and time happen before the end date and time.
    3. Returns FilterAppointmentCommand
  3. ParserUtil#parseDateTime()
    1. Parses the date and time of the appointment, ensuring the correct format
  4. ParserUtil#parseEndDateTime() and ParserUtil#parseStartDateTime()
    1. Parses the start and end date and time of the appointment, ensuring correct format from calling ParserUtil#parseDateTime()

Rationale for implementation There are a few key features that this module aims to implement

  1. Allow users to filter appointments based on the date and time of the appointment.
  2. Ensure that the start date and time is before the end date and time.
  3. Ensure that the date and time of the appointment is in the correct format.
  4. Ensure that the date and time of the appointment is correctly parsed.

Alternatives considered

  1. Smarter filtering based on the date and time of the appointment. However, this was not implemented as it was not necessary for the current scope of the project.

Report Patient Feedback Feature

Report patient feedback score is a feature that averages out the feedback scores of all currently filtered appointments. It allows getting the average scores of appointments within a given date range

The overall data flow of patient feedback data is detailed below using a class diagram.

Note: This class diagram doesn't represent the command flow, but rather, how patient feedback report data is stored and retrieved

Report Feedback Class Diagram

Below is a sequence diagram of the user flow of the report command

Report Feedback Sequence Diagram


  1. PatientFeedbackReport - A model that contains information from both Patients and Appointments. It uses both data to determine which appointments to calculate the average from
  2. PatientFeedbackReportList - Contains a list of patient feedback reports
  3. ReportFeedbackCommand - Reports the average feedback score for a given date range
  4. ReportFeedbackCommandParser- Parses ReportFeedbackCommand accordingly
  5. FeedbackScore - Contains a nullable Integer field. If it is null, then there is no rating for the appointment yet

Rationale for Implementation

  1. High-level structure for ReportFeedbackCommand, ReportFeedbackCommandParser and PatientFeedbackReportList was inspired from previous implementations of similar models
  2. Integer was used for FeedbackScore because:
    1. We did not want to make FeedbackScore compulsory to add when creating an appointment
    2. The primitive type int is not nullable, so we used a wrapper class instead
  3. PatientFeedbackReport is different from Appointment and Patient because it holds transient data and is dependent on data from the Patient and Appointment models.
    1. Therefore, it was decided that the entire list of appointments and specified patient data should be passed into this object in order to calculate the average feedback score
  4. PatientFeedbackReportList does not have any direct list modification methods of its own. It only has a generateReportList function which is called every time there is an update to the list of patients or appointments, e.g., filter, add, edit or delete
    1. To achieve such reactivity, generateReportList() was called at the end of each of such functions inside ModelManager

Alternatives considered

  1. PatientFeedbackReport - We considered just passing the required fields; however, there were a few limitations
    1. Passing only the Patient name and ID
      1. We need the name for sorting and UI purposes, and we need the patient ID to determine which appointments to select. This resulted in 2 fields from the same object, which could be simplified if we just pass in a single Patient object
    2. Passing only the patient's list of appointments instead of all appointments
      1. This quickly proved to be very complex because we would need to filter appointments every time a patient or appointment was updated in the list
  2. FeedbackScore data representation
    1. A string data type was considered to represent the Feedback Score, however, it simply did not make sense logically-speaking, and thus, we used an Integer instead.
    2. A 0 was considered to represent the null value of a feedback score. This was because we did not have any null fields in the previous code base, with FeedbackScore being the only nullable field. However, having 0 represent the null value is confusing and also prone to error; in case someone decides to edit the feedbackScore to any other value, e.g. -1
  3. An observer pattern was considered when implementing the generateReportList() functionality, however, it was scrapped because it was already implemented via the ObservableList fields and implementing the pattern fully would not be worth the refactor

Command History

Command history is a feature that aims to improve the user experience for experienced users by allowing them to quickly navigate through their history of commands to make minor changes. Many features were inspired by macOS's Bash shell

Below is a general user flow of the command history

Command History sequence diagram

Note: The above diagram doesn't capture the audio playback feature because it's not a core part of the feature.

Below are the specific behaviours of the command history module


command history undo activity diagram


command history redo activity diagram


An array list was used to store the history of commands and an index to indicate which command is the history currently at.

  • The list is initialised to have an empty string as the initial element. This is so that our default behaviour of returning an empty string from pressing redo when there is no next command can be easily implemented
  • The current command index defaults to 0

There are a few methods used to interact with the command history

  1. getCurrentCommand() - Gets the command at the current command index
  2. undo() - Decrements the current command index by 1
    • If the current command index is already 0, it will play a Boop sound to indicate that there is are no more commands left to undo
  3. redo() - Increments the current command index by 1

Below shows the expected behaviour of the command history from a series of actions.

  • red text - denotes where the command index is currently pointing at.
  • NA - the initial state of the command history
  • execute(args) - when any command is executed
  • undo() - decrements the index
  • redo() - increments the index
Command Command History
NA [""]
execute("help") ["help", ""]
undo() ["help", ""]
undo() ["help", ""]
redo() ["help", ""]
redo() ["help", ""]
undo() ["help", ""]
execute("query") ["help", "query", ""]

Rationale for implementation

There are a few key features that this module aims to implement

  1. Improved user experience for experienced users
    1. Allow users to modify their past commands in a predictable way
    2. Allow users to easily compare past commands in case of mistakes by pressing up and down
  2. Mimicking bash shell features
    1. Playing a sound to indicate that there are no more commands left to undo
    2. Empty the input box when there are no more commands left to redo
  3. Default empty string in the list
    1. This aims to model what the command history looks like. By doing this, this makes the logic much more straightforward as we don't need to constantly check to return an empty string or not

Alternatives considered

  1. 2 stacks, one undo and one redo were used at first. However, this had the drawback of not being able to remember commands after undoing and writing a new command.
  2. undo() and redo() both returned the previous and next command respectively - This had a flaw in which the logic of handling the command index became unnecessarily complex as we had to worry about when we incremented/decremented an index. This also made it harder to test the functionality

Help Feature

Help Command Sequence Diagram

The help feature provides users with a URL to the user guide online.

Rationale for implementation:

  1. Pop-up window with a URL link and a copy button

Alternative considered:

  1. Display a list of commands directly in the command box
  2. Display a full window with a user guide

Clearing all entries from the CogniCare application

This details how the entries from the CogniCare application are cleared.

Documentation, logging, testing, configuration, dev-ops

Appendix: Requirements

Product scope

Target user profile: Rayson is a career guidance coach at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and is attached to the School of Computing (SoC) to provide computing students with career advice.

Recently there are many students that are unable to find an internship resulting in stress amongst the student population. This has led to SoC reducing the internship requirements (such as reducing stipend and allowing flexibility in internship periods). However, Rayson's manager, Aaron, thinks that more support needs to be done for the students.

Therefore, Aaron has launched a new initiative to provide counseling for computing students. To assist Rayson in managing the large number of potential students utilising this service, Aaron has employed the services of our team to allow Rayson to better manage the number of appointments.

Rayson is a technically inclined user (alumni of SoC) who is reasonably comfortable using CLI apps, and has the requirements of:

  • needing to manage a significant number of contacts due to the large number of students requiring counselling services
  • preferring desktop apps over other types
  • being able to type fast
  • preferring typing to mouse interactions
  • being a single-user application.

(Remark: Rayson and Aaron are both fictional characters)

Value proposition:

CogniCare provides a comprehensive set of features that help streamline especially tedious tasks such as:

  1. Looking up what appointments are there in a given time period to clear up the schedule
  2. Report patient satisfaction levels over a given time period
  3. Updating a patient's data across all their appointments. E.g. Updating a person's phone number or removing the patient and their associated appointments from the UI

Furthermore, CogniCare's operations are specialised for technically competent users who type fast.

User stories

Priorities: High (must have) - * * * *, Medium (nice to have) - * * *, Low (unlikely to have) - * *, Not essential (implement only if got time) - *

Priority As a …​ I want to …​ So that I can…​
* * * * Counsellor create a new patient store their data for future sessions.
* * * * Counsellor view patient data view their contact information and contact them.
* * * * Counsellor delete patient data at a given index discharge the patient.
* * * * Counsellor search for patients quickly access patients that come regularly.
* * * * Counsellor schedule an appointment avoid scheduling overlapping appointments with other patients.
* * * * Counsellor view appointment data view appointment data such as appointment description and scores.
* * * * Counsellor delete an appointment remove appointments I accidentally created.
* * * * Counsellor search for all appointments for a specified patient quickly view all appointments related to a student without having to remember the appointment ID or dates.
* * * * Counsellor search for appointments by time range quickly view all appointments within a date range.
* * * * Counsellor update appointments update appointment data after the appointment concluded.
* * * * Counsellor track patient feedback scores over time quickly identify which patients need more help.
* * * Counsellor to categorise / tag my patients patients with more serious issues can be attended to first.
* * * Counsellor know what mistakes I make when creating patients easily understand how to rectify my mistakes
* * * Counsellor know what mistakes I make when creating appointments easily understand how to rectify my mistakes
* * * New User have a help function so that I know how to use the application.
* * Experienced User navigate through my history of successful commands avoid retyping a command just to make minor modifications to a previous command.
* Experienced User mass delete application data sensitive data is not compromised.

Use cases

(For all use cases below, the System is the CogniCare application and the Actor is the user, unless specified otherwise)

Use case: UC01 - Add a Patient


  1. The user enters the command to add a patient with all mandatory information (Name, Email, Phone Number). Associated with is optional.

  2. CogniCare validates the information is valid.

  3. CogniCare saves the new patient information.

  4. CogniCare displays a success message confirming that the new patient has been added.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. Required fields are left blank, or fields do not meet the specified format.

    • 1a1. CogniCare displays an error message associated with the relevant missing field (i.e. Phone number error message for missing phone number field)

    Use case ends

  • 2a. Required fields are invalid (i.e. Phone Number does not meet SG format)

    • 2a1. CogniCare displays an error message associated with the relevant erroneous field (i.e. Phone number error message for invalid phone number field)

    Use case ends

  • 2b. Patient with the same name (regardless of case sensitivity and whitespace) already exists.

    • 2b1. CogniCare alerts the user about the duplicate name and prevents the addition.

    Use case ends.

Use Case: UC02 - Edit a Patient


  1. The user list patients with certain criteria or no criteria.
  2. The user enters a command to add a patient with the required index and data field to be edited.
  3. CogniCare displays a success message confirming the patient's details have been updated.

Use case ends.


  • 2a. The patient identifier does not match any patient in the system.

    • 2a1. CogniCare displays an error message that the patient was not found.

    Use case ends.

  • 3a. Required data fields are left blank or data is in the incorrect format.

    • 3a1. CogniCare displays an error message indicating what needs to be corrected or filled in, including the specific requirements for the phone number and email format.

    Use case ends.

Use case: UC03 - List all / Search for patients meeting selected criteria / criterion


  1. User requests to list patients using the specified constraints

  2. CogniCare shows a list of patients that meet the criteria

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The query has no parameters specified.

    • 1a1. CogniCare returns all information about all patients (returns the entire PatientList).

    Use case ends.

  • 1b. The query has no parameter value specified.

    • 1b1. CogniCare shows an error message.

    Use case ends.

  • 2a. The list is empty.

    Use case ends.

Use case: UC04 - Delete a patient


  1. The user list patients with certain criteria or no criteria.

  2. User requests to delete a patient at the given index.

  3. CogniCare deletes the patient.

  4. CogniCare displays a successful message stating that the deletion was successful and displays information of the deleted patient.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The query has a missing Id parameter.

    • 2a1. CogniCare displays an error message that the index is invalid. (No deletion is done)

    Use case ends.

  • 2b. The patient index is invalid.

    • 2b1. CogniCare displays an error message that the index is invalid. (No deletion is done)

    Use case ends.

Use case: UC05 - Add an Appointment


  1. The user enters the command to add an appointment with all mandatory information.

  2. CogniCare validates the information is valid.

  3. CogniCare saves the new appointment information.

  4. CogniCare displays a success message confirming that the new appointment has been added.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. Required fields are left blank, or fields do not meet the specified format.

    • 1a1. CogniCare displays an error message associated with the relevant missing field.

      Use case ends

  • 2a. Required fields are invalid

    • 2a1. CogniCare displays an error message associated with the relevant erroneous field

      Use case ends

  • 2b. Appointment timing clashes with an existing appointment.

    • 2b1. CogniCare alerts the user about the clash and prevents the addition.

      Use case ends.

Use Case: UC06 - Edit an Appointment


  1. The user list appointments with certain criteria or no criteria.

  2. User enters command to edit appointment with required index and data field to be edited.

  3. CogniCare displays a success message confirming the appointment details have been updated.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The appointment identifier does not match any appointment in the system.

    • 1a1. CogniCare displays an error message that the appointment was not found.

    Use case ends.

  • 3a. Required data fields are left blank or data is in the incorrect format.

    • 2a1. CogniCare displays an error message indicating what needs to be corrected or filled in.

    Use case ends.

Use case: UC07 - Search appointments


  1. User requests to list all appointments using some criteria.

  2. CogniCare shows a filtered list of appointments that meet the criteria.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The query has no parameters specified.

    • 1a1. CogniCare returns all appointments (returns the entire AppointmentList).

    Use case ends.

  • 1b. The query specifies a prefix, but no value, e.g. querya n/.

    • 1b1. CogniCare shows an error message.

    Use case ends.

Use case: UC08 - Delete a specific appointment


  1. User lists appointments with certain criteria or no criteria.

  2. User requests to delete an appointment at the given appointment index.

  3. CogniCare deletes the appointment.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The query has missing parameters

    • 2a1. CogniCare shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 2b. The appointment index is invalid.

    • 2b1. CogniCare displays an error message that the index is invalid. (No deletion is done)

      Use case ends.

Use case: UC09 - Filter appointment in a date time range


  1. User requests to filter appointments based on the date and time range.

  2. CogniCare shows a list of appointments that meet the criteria and success messages.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The query has missing parameters

    • 1a1. CogniCare shows an error message.

    Use case ends.

  • 1b. The query has incorrect parameters

    • 1b1. CogniCare shows an error message.

    Use case ends.

  • 2a. The list of appointments is empty.

    Use case ends.

Use case: UC10 - Report patient feedback over a given time period


  1. User requests to view all feedback scores from a given start date to a given end date

  2. Feedback scores are updated to get the average of all appointments within the given time period

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. User specifies the start date only

    • 1a1. All appointments from the specified start date to the end of time are returned

      Use case resumes from step 2

  • 1b. User specifies the end date only

    • 1b1. All appointments from the beginning of time to the specified end date are returned

      Use case resumes from step 2

  • 1c. User specifies neither the end or the start date

    • 1c1. All appointments are returned

      Use case resumes from step 2

  • 1d. The date specified is in an incorrect format

    • 1d1. Invalid format exception message is shown to the user

      Use case ends

Use case: UC11 - Getting the previous command entered


  1. User executes any command.

  2. User presses the Up arrow key to view his last command

  3. User modifies his last command

  4. User executes the modified command

  5. User presses the Up arrow key and sees his last modified command

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. User presses the Up arrow key again

    • 2a1. A sound is played indicating that there is no previous command

      Use case resumes from step 3.

  • 3a. User modifies the command, and without executing it, presses the Down arrow key, followed by the Up arrow key

    • 3a1. The command before modification is shown because the modified command is not yet executed

      Use case resumes from step 3

Use case: UC12 - Getting the next command entered


  1. User types in and executes any 2 commands.

  2. User presses the Up arrow key twice to view his first command

  3. User presses the Down arrow key to view his second command

    Use case ends.


  • 3a. User presses the Down arrow key when there is no next command
    • 3a1. An empty string is returned

      Use case ends.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Should be able to hold up to 1000 patients and 1000 appointments without a noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage.
  3. A user with above-average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.
  4. Should work without internet access i.e. offline-only.
  5. Should not take more than 25MB of space, including data files during normal usage.
  6. The data should be transferable from one computer system to another, ensuring that it displays identically on the new system.
  7. Should respond in less than 5 seconds for any given command.
  8. A new user should be able to make use of most features by reading the UG once.


  • Mainstream OS: Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS

Appendix: Instructions for manual testing

Given below are instructions to test the app manually.

Note: These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on;
Testers are expected to do more exploratory testing.

Launch and Shutdown

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed on your Computer.

  2. If you are on macOS on an Apple Silicon System, we recommend that you follow the guide on CS2103 Course website using the Zulu version zulu11.50.19-ca-fx-jdk11.0.12-macosx_aarch64.dmg

  3. If you are on Windows / Intel architecture, most versions of Java 11 should work.

  4. Download the latest cognicare.jar from here.

  5. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your CogniCare application.

  6. Open a command terminal, cd into the folder you put the jar file in, and use the java -jar cognicare.jar command to run the application.

    Expected: A GUI containing the sample patient list below should appear in a few seconds. Note that the app contains some sample data. You may need to re-scale the window size to suit your computer display.

List all students (without any parameters)


  • There is at least one ("1") patient stored in the CogniCare application.

Command: queryp

  • The patient information in CogniCare will be shown in the item ListView.

Expected Output:

  • All the patient information will be displayed in the ListView.

Expected Output in the Command Output Box:

  • Listed all persons

Tip: If there are no patients stored in the CogniCare application, then an empty ListView will be displayed.

List all patients meeting the selected (one or more) criteria


  • There is at least one ("1") patient stored in the CogniCare application meeting the requested criterion / criteria.

Command: queryp n/Jerome p/123

  • The patient information meeting the criteria specified in CogniCare will be displayed in the item ListView.
  • You may specify zero or one of each parameter
    • p/: phone number
    • n/: name
    • e/: email address
  • You may specify zero or many these parameters:
    • a/: associated with tag
      • Consider the use-case as such, queryp a/depression

Expected Output:

  • All the patient information with their respective patientId will be displayed in the ListView.

Expected Output in the Command Output Box:

  • Listed all persons

Tip: If there are no patients stored in the Application, or if there are no data that meets the required criteria, an empty ListView will be displayed

Adding a new patient


  • There does not exist another patient with the same name (regardless of capitalisation) and spacing, i.e. the names "Jerome Chua" and "jEROmE CHuA" are considered the same name.

Command: addp n/John Doe p/98765432 e/ a/Johnny a/owesMoney

  • You must specify exactly one of each parameter (in the correct format)
    • p/: phone number
    • n/: name
    • e/: email address
  • You may specify zero or many of these parameters:
    • a/: associated with tag

Expected Output:

  • The newly created patient will have an increased index (as compared to the last created one)
  • The ListView will be updated with the latest patient data.

Expected Output in the Command Output Box:

  • New student added: John Doe; Phone: 98765432; Email:; Associated with: [owesMoney][Johnny]
  • A message echoing the information that you have just entered.

Editing a currently created patient


  • You know the index (patientId) of the person that you are trying to edit.
  • There is exactly one ("1") patient stored in the CogniCare application

Command: editp 26 n/Jerome Chua

  • You must specify exactly at least one of these parameters (in the correct format)
    • p/: phone number
      • It must match the validation logic also.
    • n/: name
      • The edited name must not be an existing entry in the CogniCare application. See the Section above for the validation logic.
    • e/: email address
      • It must match validation logic too
    • a/: associated with the tag

Expected Output:

  • The ListView will be updated with the latest patient data.

Expected Output in the CommandBox: Edited Person: Bernice Yu; Phone: 91234567; Email:; Associated with: [jobless][anxiety]

  • The ListView will be updated with the latest patient data.

Tip: The patient identifier that is commonly referred to in this article refers to the patient id that is permanently tagged to each patient and is not the index of the natural ordering in the list.

Deleting an existing patient


  • You know the index (patientId) of the person that you are trying to delete.
  • There is exactly one ("1") patient stored in the CogniCare application.

Command: deletep 26

  • You must specify exactly the patient identifier that exists.

Expected Output:

  • The ListView will be updated with the latest patient data.

Expected Output in the CommandBox: Deleted Patient: Grace Lim; Phone: 83456789; Email:; Associated with: [anxiety][stress]

  • The ListView will be updated with the latest patient data (which removes the deleted patient).

Adding a new appointment


  • There does not exist another appointment with the same or overlapping date and time, i.e. if there exists an appointment on 10 October 2021 from 10:10 am to 10:59 am, a new appointment that starts or ends between that period cannot be added.

Command: adda pid/1 sd/2024-04-04 09:00 ed/2024-04-04 10:00 att/true s/5 ad/This is a dummy appointment

  • You must specify exactly one of each parameter (in the correct format)
    • pid/: patient id
    • sd/: appointment start date and time
    • ed/: appointment end date and time
  • You may specify zero or many of these parameters:
    • att/: attended status
    • s/: feedback score
    • ad/: appointment description

Expected Output:

  • The newly created appointment will have an increased index (as compared to the last created one)
  • The ListView will be updated with the latest appointment data.

Expected Output in the Command Output Box:

  • New appointment added: (Appointment index); PatientId: 1; Start: 04 Apr 2024, 09:00 am; End: 04 Apr 2024, 10:00 am; Attend: true; Score: 5; Description: This is a dummy appointment
  • A message echoing the information that you have just entered.

Tip: The appointment identifier is permanently tagged to the appointment and is not the index of the natural ordering in the list.

Editing an existing appointment


  • You know the index (appointmentId) of the person that you are trying to edit.
  • There is exactly one ("1") appointment stored in the CogniCare application.

Command: edita 3 pid/2

  • You must specify exactly at least one of these parameters (in the correct format)
    • pid/: patient id
    • sd/: appointment start date and time
    • ed/: appointment end date and time
    • att/: attended status
    • s/: feedback score
    • ad/: appointment description

Expected Output:

  • The ListView will be updated with the latest appointment data.

Expected Output in the CommandBox: Edited Appointment: 3; PatientId: 2; Start: 10 Oct 2021, 12:30 pm; End: 10 Oct 2021, 02:59 pm; Attend: true; Score: 5; Description: Third appointment

  • The ListView will be updated with the latest appointment data.

Remember: The appointment identifier that is commonly referred to in this article refers to the appointment id that is permanently tagged to each appointment, and is not the index of the natural ordering in the list.

Deleting an existing appointment


  • You know the index (appointmentId) of the appointment that you are trying to delete.
  • There is exactly one ("1") appointment stored in the CogniCare application.

Command: deletea 4

  • You must specify exactly the appointment identifier that exists.

Expected Output:

  • The ListView will be updated with the latest appointment data.

Expected Output in the CommandBox: Deleted Appointment: 4; PatientId: 1; Start: 10 Nov 2021, 10:10 am; End: 10 Nov 2021, 10:59 am; Attend: false; Score: 4; Description: Fourth appointment

  • The ListView will be updated with the latest appointment data (which removes the deleted appointment).

Listing all appointments


  • There is at least one ("1") appointment stored in the CogniCare application.

Command: querya

  • The appointment information in CogniCare will be shown in the item ListView.

Expected Output:

  • All the appointment information will be displayed in the ListView.

Expected Output in the Command Output Box:

  • Listed all appointments

Tip: If there are no appointments stored in the Application, then an empty ListView will be displayed.

Listing all appointments which meet the selected (one or more) criteria


  • There is at least one ("1") appointment stored in the CogniCare application meeting the requested criterion / criteria.

Command: querya n/Alex

  • The appointment information meeting the criteria specified in CogniCare will be displayed in the item ListView.
  • You may specify zero or one of each parameter
    • n/: patient name
    • pid/: patient index
    • aid/: appointment index

Expected Output:

  • All the appointment information with their respective appointmentId will be displayed in the ListView.

Expected Output in the Command Output Box:

  • (n) appointments listed!

Tip: If there are no appointments stored in the application, or if there are no data that meets the required criteria, an empty ListView will be displayed.

Filtering appointments that fall in a specific date range


  • There is at least one ("1") appointment stored in the CogniCare application meeting the requested criterion / criteria.

Command: filter sd/2021-10-10 12:00

  • The appointment information meeting the criteria specified in CogniCare will be displayed in the item ListView.
  • You may specify zero or one of each parameter
    • sd/: start date and time
    • ed/: end date and time

Expected Output:

  • All the appointment information with their respective appointmentId will be displayed in the ListView.

Expected Output in the Command Output Box:

  • (n) appointments listed!

Generating all patient feedback reports


  • There is at least one ("1") patient stored in the CogniCare application.

Command: reportf

  • The patient feedback report information for all appointments will be shown in the item ListView.

Expected Output:

  • Patient feedback reports with information from all appointments will be displayed in the ListView.

Expected Output in the Command Output Box:

  • Generated patient feedback report from the beginning of time to the end of time

Generating patient feedback reports within a certain timeframe


  • There is at least one ("1") patient stored in the CogniCare application.

Command: reportf sd/2021-10-11

  • The patient feedback report information meeting the criteria specified in CogniCare will be displayed in the item ListView.
  • You may specify zero or one of each parameter
    • sd/: start date
    • ed/: end date

Expected Output:

  • Patient feedback reports with information from filtered appointments will be displayed in the ListView.

Expected Output in the Command Output Box:

  • Generated patient feedback report from 11 Oct 2021 to the end of time

Note: The reportf command only requires the start and/or end date in the format yyyy-MM-dd. This command does not take in any time.

Command History


  • Ensure that the device's sound is not muted.

Testing method:

  1. Enter a few valid commands into the application.
  2. Press the up and down arrow keys to traverse through the commands.

Expected output:

  1. If the application reaches the very first command entered, pressing the down arrow key will clear the command box.
  2. If there are no newer commands available, pressing the up arrow key will play an audio file to indicate there are no newer commands.

Expected Output in the Command Output Box:

  • This feature does not update the command output

Planned Future Enhancements (Beyond v1.4)

This section describes the potential enhancements that could be improved in future editions of the application.

  • Adding the ability to allow the counselor to secure the application - via a PIN Code feature, and encryption of the JSON file so that data loss does not result in the leakage of highly confidential medical data.
  • Enhancing the graphical user interface to make it more user-friendly, i.e. more usage of the mouse as compared to the keyboard.
  • Enabling localisation support: In the future more options will be available for users to set their preferred phone number validation types (i.e. US Phone format), Extended Character Set for Naming validation (so that Chinese / Vietnamese / Tamil, etc names can be supported).
  • More commands to improve the counsellor workflow: In the initial phase, our primary objective is to concentrate the collection of patient and appointment data. As we progress, we plan to introduce updates and increase more commands to derive new insights from the data. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work towards working with the users and making these advanced features available.
  • More validation checks for when the user manually edits JSON files. Currently, adding non-legible value like null will cause the app to not launch. A future enhancement will include more validation checks, allowing skipping of non-legible data and detecting invalid data upon launching the app.
  • Adding the ability for the GUI to automatically reflect the actual state of data. Currently, after using editp command to change the name of a patient, the appointment cards in the appointment list do not reflect the new name of that patient. Hence, a future enhancement will include changing the flow of how the appointment card is generated, enhancing the interactions between GUI and models, and allowing the GUI to reflect the current state of data.
  • Add more patient reports to allow for greater utilisation of patient data collected, such as patient attendance reports

Learning Outcomes

The implementation of the CogniCare application was an extremely challenging endeavour as we needed to morph and reshape the AB3 application in a team-based setting. The transformation process involved significant alternations and enhancements to reach the new requirements of the application.

The team-based setting also exposed us to various crucial skills such as improving our working styles to achieve a high level of collaboration. Skills that are crucial to a Software Engineer such as reviewing Pull Requests (PRs), and providing and receiving feedback from peers are also learned in the course of the project.


Code base adapted from Address Book Level-3 GitHub Copilot was used as an autocomplete tool to assist in writing parts of the documentation and diagrams by @vnnamng, @tankh99.